Friday, October 10, 2008

Sex and the Shitty

So, decided to rent Sex and the City, using Natalie as the excuse to watch it.  We actually saw SJP in Paris this year and I got a nice paparazzi pic of her with my camera.  She actually looked pretty good though the 1/2 inch thick of foundation was kind of gross in retrospect.  So I was actually a minor fan of the show-- thought the writing was sharp and somewhat relatable, but the film, the film was horseshit.  It was way too long, the laughter was all canned and it really didn't get going until the wedding was called off.  The movie should have begun there instead of an hour beforehand with all this bullshit exposition that could've taken five minutes to set up.  The Charlotte character was one-dimensional and played to the worst of female stereotypes and it felt like the cast didn't get to rehearse for the scenes or get warm for the first half of the film.  There was some genuine/emotion by the end but it was too late.  Writing about this movie has bored me, so sorry if it has bored you too.  Don't see it.

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