Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tropic Thunder

This movie was terrible.  Ben Still needs to stop coming up with premises for movies, writing for movies, and directing movies.  The movie is essentially a series of inside-jokes about Hollywood and the process of making films - from the big asshole exec. producers, to the asshole agents, to the asshole actors, to the asshole groupies.  Nothing new is revealed about the cliche of Hollywood being full of assholes, and Stiller is probably the biggest asshole for thinking that putting Robert Downey, Jr. in black face and dressing up Tom Cruise like fat, balding executive and making him dance to rap during the end credits.  The plot itself is so contrived and unrealistic that I lost interest about a half hour in.  I watched the second half of the movie in fast forward with subtitles so I could save 15 minutes or so.  I think the most impressive thing about the movie was how deep Downey got into his character of an Australian actor playing a black character, to the point where there were no traces of the real RDJ and all you had was this completely different, completely believable human being.  Even in "Iron Man" he spends a lot of the movie being himself, but in "Tropic Thunder" he is really someone else.  Other than that, Stiller makes fun of the mentally challenged again for laughs and Jack Black is his usual zany (yawn) self.  I think the funniest part of the DVD is that there is an ad about respecting those with mental challenges on it.  What a bunch of assholes.

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