Friday, November 21, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

There goes Danny Boyle again, getting me all excited with the premise of a film and dazzling me for the first hour before dumbing down his ending and leaving me ultimately unsatisfied.  There were some things about "Slumdog Millionaire" that were fantastic- the cinematography, the colors, the music-video paced editing, the soundtrack, and the access he had to Mumbai's slums, but the ending is terribly saccharine and the whole driving force behind the movie is sappy and predictable.  Granted, this movie probably wasn't made for my tastes.  It's definitely a crowd pleaser that delivers a fun, escapist experience but it's not really trying to reflect any type of reality in the world.  The same goes for Boyle's other films like "Millions" and "Sunshine" which were dazzling and fun and brilliant to look, but resolved themselves unrealistically at the end.  It's the kind of thing that separates the great filmmakers from the legendary ones.  You can either please audiences now, or please critics now and forever.  Anyway, I would still recommend anyone to go and see this movie because it does have some great moments and you will probably see some things you have never seen before.  

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