- interesting to revisit the Cold War influences into films like Rambo, Commando
- Ass-kicking as an American product
- Narrator/"protagonist" really is an expert in it
- it's about the people who don't make it, which is most of us
- for a movie about 'roids it comes from a surprising angle
- tone for the movie is funny and intelligent, not sad and moralizing
- from this POV steroids are not that big of a deal
- story told from a broader world POV. Bigger than just steroids-- more about competition.
- shows baseball scandal as a real debate about America's morality/value system
- Very thorough. Shows the people who are helped by steroids.
- Gets you into a position where you start thinking Steroids aren't such a big deal
- connecting news headlines from over the years effectively - Lyle Alzado, Chris Benoit
- It's all really about chasing things that don't exist
- starts getting a little bigger than its britches in talking about enhancements in everything
- a factual and psychological study
- the tragedy of humans trying to succeed beyond their means.